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to see more rocking horses and information.

Natural Wood
Rocking Horses

Rocking Horses

Antique Rocking Horses
& Rocking Horse

Carousel Horses and
Special Commissions
About Us
Contact & Ordering
History of the Rocking Horse
General Materials and Manufacturing information
Site Map

Acclaimed as the finest rocking horse maker in the UK,
Legends Rocking Horses make exquisite Georgian and Victorian style hand-carved wooden rocking horses
reflecting realism, elegance and a feeling of movement appealing to adults and children alike.
Our horses are all hand-carved using traditional carving tools which enable us to achieve in-depth and shapely
carving detail. With their heads turned to one side and friendly facial expressions our horses are beautiful
works of art suitable for riding or as an ornamental sculpture.
All our rocking horses are constructed in hardwoods using the very best of the Victorian techniques to ensure they take the
weight of adults and their longevity is assured.
We offer a very wide range of wooden horses in both natural wood or painted finishes and the photographs throughout
this website illustrate a small selection of rocking horses our small family business has made over the last couple
of decades.
We also have a wide selection of rocking horses to view at our showroom in High Wycombe.
Details for visiting us can be found on our Contact Us page
Although we always have horses available from stock most of our rocking horses are individually commissioned
to enable you to own a unique family heirloom of the very highest quality - rare collector's items for present
and future generations. More information on styles and options for customising your horse is available on our Sizes and options page.
Legends also sell restored antique rocking horses by sought after makes such as
F.H. Ayres and G&J Lines. We are specialists in the sympathetic and authentic restoration of old and antique
rocking horses and even the most dilapidated of horses are transformed to their former beauty and usability.
We also make outstanding replicas of the very best of the antique rocking horses we have encountered over the years which
can be finished in a variety of ways to look new through to a realistic aged effect.
We also welcome special carving commissions such as carousel horses and unicorns.
Please see our Carousel section for more pictures and information.